If you have not watched the new Disney Pixar Inside out 2 movie then this quote wont make much sense. If you have let's break this down (Spoiler Alert).
There is a scene in this movie after the core emotions are booted out of headquarters that they run into the imagination lab were imagineers are tasked with thinking and creating what the worst possible scenarios are if Riley makes a decision. How many of us do the same thing (except its not in cartoon form) ? This is called catastrophizing. When we are faced with decisions we tend to run to the negative outcomes that can arise from the possible choices we have. Our brains where created to think this way it goes to our origins and the need for survival. If our ancestors did not think about all the bad things that could happen so that they could survive. So are brains are designed to focus on the negatives.
We tend to live in a more secure environment and therefore don't have to face as imminent danger. I know this is not the case for everyone because some of us do experience trauma at various stages of our lives. Which leads to a plethora of other issues that can be discussed in another post. So when we are faced with a choice our brains go to the negatives but as Joy showed in the movie we can flip the narrative and think of the positives that can come from our decision. Each choice we make has consequences but that doesn't inherently mean that all consequences are negative some can be positive. Taking that new job can be scary because you don't know if the new environment will be just as toxic as the previous one. However it could be better than your last job and be a opportunity for growth both mentally and in your career.
The truth is we don't know what is going to happen after we make a decision. We have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best knowing that there are possibilities and options that can both be positive and negative. So don't let your fear of the unknown stop you from making a life altering decision that can lead to a greater Tomorrow. Life is about balance and that goes for our minds too. It is important to view things from all angles understanding the toss up that we are walking into. It can be exciting and scary if we allow it to be. Call it what it is and step forward. Surround yourself with supportive people who will remind you that you are wonderful and you deserve good things. Then allow yourself to take a set in that direction and be open to the possibilities.
If you struggle with the anxiety of decision and catastrophize find a clinician near you and together you can learn techniques to help you work through this. If you struggle with the motivation to make decisions due to depression reach out to a clinician as well that can help you find your key to motivation because ultimately the goal is for all of us to have the option of a Better Tomorrow.