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"Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy." - Unknown


"I always rooted for the underdogs. the outcasts, weirdos, and loners. my kind of people. I have always been strange and thought acceptance was unnecessary especially from the horrifyingly

dull and those who were taught to love conformity, but never themselves for who or what they truly are. So cheers to the outsiders. the "in-crowd" is too fucking full anyways." -Unkown

We are social creatures who want to be loved an accepted by the masses but why. Well my best comparison is found in the Discovery series Serengeti if you watch the Baboon pack they rely on acceptance for survival. The outcast males get the left overs in meals and partners making them the bottom of the pecking order. So they are constantly wanting to be part of the in crowd. I would not be surprise if our ancestors also depended on popularity for survival.

Throughout history the black sheep or the different thinkers have been looked at differently an ostracized for their radical thoughts. However it was thanks to these outcast that many momentous things took place in history. I love historical dramas and recently I got into the Netflix Barbarians series based on the true story of Arminius as he was know in Rome and Hermann der Cherusker in Germany. This figure fascinates me because he utilized his knowledge gained by Rome that was suppose to spark loyalty to the Roman to defeat Rome.

Now here is the kicker Hermann united Germanic tribes who were use to fighting amongst each other to defeat invaders, and even assisted in the demise of Rome, all to be murdered by his own people. My perspective on that was that they feared his knowledge and ability to lead and he was not like anyone else so they killed him. Similarly the witch trials began as a way to suppress women who wanted to express their beliefs or stood against the men of their times and were persecuted.

Being different has not been seen as favorable but the truth is it can be very rewarding. Living your truth and finding a safe environment that accepts you for who you are is important. I always have to add this caveat we are free to be who we are and believe what we think is important as long as it does not harm others in the process. Often I meet people who shared that throughout life others have made them feel like they are unworthy because others have given up on them.

I want everyone to know that others do not define your worth, a lion is not majestic because humans find it so they are majestic because they are incredible creatures who don't care how we view them. The same applies to each person reading this you are wonderful and unique and your value comes from your own majesty not what others see in you. So get up each day shake your mane and give the world hell because you are worthy period.

If you need help finding your majesty please reach out to us and we would love to help you.

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