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Pruning our Network

I love to garden and recently on social media I read a post that worked on describing people as plants. This concept really resonated with me and I began to apply it to my clients. We discussed that each plant needs different care and grows to fufill different purposes as do we. Likewise when growing plants we have to prune dead leaves because they take essential nutrients from the plant that could be used for healthy leaves.

How does that relate to us? Well sometimes we keep people and things in our lives that take essential energy from us that we could be using to grow and heal. It is ok to walk away or prune these things from our lives. Our culture tells us to suck it up when we are in uncomfortable situations but the reality is that our well being should come first and we should not just suck it up or get over it.

Know that you can reach out to a professional for couseling, boundaries, and mental health services and they will gladly help you on your journey to wellness. Always remember that self care is essential and it is important to show yourself love. There is only one of you and that comes first. #gardening #flowers #plants #boundaries #love #toxicpeople #selfcare #wellness #mentalhealth #life #loveyouself


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